Canopy’s nature-based solutions assist clients to achieve their net zero and nature-positive goals through the development of projects that protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural ecosystems.
We work together with landholders to design and construct projects, offering full end-to-end project management to produce high integrity credits for investors, driven by the best scientific rigour and on-ground results.

Carbon credit projects
Canopy is one of the largest developers of carbon credit projects under the Australian environmental planting methodology. Our reforestation projects produce Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) that represent 1 tonne of carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere. These large-scale tree planting projects also produce additional benefits for the environment and local communities, including the restoration of wildlife habitat for threatened species, providing shade and shelter for farm animals and crops, and generating alternative income streams for farmers.
Water quality credit projects
Working with Greening Australia on eroding gully rehabilitation and wetland restoration projects in Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef catchments, Canopy supports the assessment of water quality credit projects developed through the Reef Credit Scheme. This emerging water quality credit market is producing tradeable units of water quality improvement aimed at addressing the second biggest threat – poor water quality – to the Reef after climate change.

Biodiversity credit and offset projects
Biodiversity credit markets are managed under different state-based legislation and therefore a single national market does not yet exist in Australia. New South Wales operates the country’s largest biodiversity credit trading market, where projects that protect and restore the environment can produce biodiversity units that companies purchase to offset their environmental impact. Similar biodiversity credit markets exist in most other states and territories.